Mix & Mastering




 For your original songs or covers, shining out among the other competitors both in the streaming platforms or as CD/Vinyl is only possible by working on them meticulously.

No matter what your genre is, we can meticulously work on your tracks from editing to mixing & mastering stages.

You will get two separated mastered tracks for both streaming platforms and CD in HQ and MP3.




   Editing stage:


  • Removing the undesired sounds called “noise”.

  • Matching the instruments to the tempo, if needed.

  • Correcting the possible instrument playing issues by taking care of the natural hearing.

  • Solving the tune problems in vocals.



   Mixing stage:


  • Ensuring the coherent hearing of the tracks by eliminating the frequency conflicts and dynamics problems.

  • Sampling the necessary instruments for more powerful hearing. 

  • Revealing the first micro and macro dynamics, spectral field and stage of the track.



   Mastering stage:


  • Ensuring the most clean and strongest hearing for your tracks in all the streaming platforms or physical media such as CD/Vinyl.

  • While the rules to be followed for streaming platforms are more obvious, the dynamics are renegotiated with the artist for physical media (CD/Vinyl). Different mastering solutions are offered for two platforms.

  • Revealing the last micro and macro dynamics and spectral field of your tracks.